Anja Gfrerer

Anja's journey with yoga started at a young age, when she felt an unexplainable curiosity towards this ancient practice. Every time she attended a yoga class, she was left in awe, wondering about the mysteries and magic that lay within it. Anja's thirst for knowledge led her to explore new teachers and styles of yoga, which ultimately became a journey of self-discovery and personal growth. To Anja, yoga is a way of connecting with her deepest self and tapping into the infinite well of wisdom and grace that resides within her. Through yoga, she finds the strength to face life's challenges with grace and courage.

As a RYT500, she is dedicated to sharing a holistic approach to the practice that encompasses all aspects of the mind, body, and spirit. Through her teachings,  Anja invites her students to explore asana, pranayama, meditation, mudras, mantras, song, and most importantly, love. Anja's teachings are infused with a warm and nurturing energy, and she encourages her students to explore their own bodies and to listen to their own inner wisdom. She creates a safe and welcoming space for you to deepen your practice and to connect with yourself in a profound way. She is a true explorer of different paths of yoga, and her teachings reflect the depth and beauty of this science. With her M.A. in Health Tourism, Anja strives to live a life that is in complete harmony with the world around her.  

In essence, Anja's teachings are a reflection of her own personal journey through yoga. She is a passionate advocate for the transformative power of the practice and is committed to helping her students find inner peace, happiness, and fulfillment in their own lives. Through her loving guidance and support, Anja inspires her students to embrace their true selves and live their authentic selves. 

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