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 Kula Group Coaching

What is Group Coaching?

Group Coaching is a sacred and connected space focused on collectively deepening our awareness on key issues, taking action, goal setting and accountability. This is our Kula coming together in community support and network strengthening. In Group Coaching, participants benefit from peer learning, collective wisdom and developing communication and coaching skills together.

What to Expect:

These sessions will be led by our core Kula Coaching team leaders Krystalyn Norton and Emily Ray Henderson. Together they have over a decade of coaching experience and are quite excited about this opportunity to connect with our graduates. Participants in these calls may come from many different Kula trainings, so this is a beautiful time to connect with the broader tribe. From time to time other Kula facilitators may join the call as well. Come with an open heart and mind for bringing more awareness in your life, learning from others, and expressing and/or listening.

How to Be Prepared: 

Here’s the link to join: 


One tap mobile

+16465588656,,997189443# US (New York)

+17207072699,,997189443# US (Denver)

Dial by your location

        +1 646 558 8656 US (New York)

        +1 720 707 2699 US (Denver)

Meeting ID: 997 189 443

Find your local number: https://zoom.us/u/abAgwe0OqO

  1. Download Zoom (zoom.us) to your laptop or smartphone.

  2. Find a quiet space where you won’t be disturbed

  3. Check you have a solid internet connection in order to get the best out of the experience.

  4. Use a good quality set of headphones to make sure you can hear properly and so there is less feedback sounds

  5. Have some paper and a pen beside you.

  6. Bring your Flow Design document from your Kula Training

Looking forward to journeying with you,

Krystalyn & Emily

Join Us!

To register for the upcoming call, please fill out our registration form below.

Have any questions? Contact us!