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By: Michele Consoni
“With a new year upon us, it is easy to imagine all of the ways we can start fresh. But what if, instead of mere resolutions, we could use this coming year as an opportunity to GET TO KNOW OURSELVES BETTER- all while trying new things? The reframe makes all the difference.”
By: Anna Stattman
“The four elements express themselves in our behavioral tendencies, both internally as our own self talk, and externally with others. Some elements are more prominent than others, and create a specific coloration to the thoughts and feelings we have, and which typical behavior and reaction pattern we play out in our lives. Temperaments describe the HOW of doing.”
By: Elizabeth Adofo-Moroney
“I began to look inward and started to question so many elements of my day-to-day life. It dawned on me that so much of what I was doing with my time was not me just functioning, but surviving. When in actuality, all I really wanted was to be thriving.”
“Though each of our systems are interconnected, there are a few herbs and plants that will target the body’s production of white blood cells and other immune responses.”
By: Kate Powell
“It takes a lot of courage to let ideas go to pursue a single goal, but that’s why courage and curiosity are so critical and have been rooted into my vision statement. They allow for the creation of deep and meaningful ideas and experiences – not just quick, shallow flashy vanity pieces.”
By: Kate Powell
“For me, opportunity emerges from safe spaces, a financial stability and time to create and engage in an inspirational world. It’s been said that you cannot thrive if you’re consistently in survival mode – so cultivating abundance lays forth a responsibility to ensure I am best prepared create these opportunities for growth to reach my fullest potential.”
By: Kate Powell
“Courage allows us to curiously question the world around us, and gratitude allows us to acknowledge it exactly as it is. As we live in the style courage and gratitude – everything else that follows is free to evolve as it is naturally meant to be – not how we want to control it.”
By: Kali Basman
“It is said a Yogi committed to the path of inner awakening, a practitioner in wholeness, hosts three essential aspects of an evolved capacity: Integration, insight, empathy.”
By: Kate Powell
“I can remember the first time my toes sunk into the sand on the Punta Mona beaches. A group of the warmest people waiting to welcome us on shore and miles of beautiful wild beaches as far as the eye could see wrapped around m like the most fabulous Snuggie. The water was clear and the air was sweet – but it was the undeniable energy that smacked me right in the face.”
By: Kali Basman
“What does a mindful asana practice, the focus of attention, do for activating the brain?”
By: Kali Basman
“Yin Yoga is a commitment to the inner dimensions of experience, and willingness to open up inside & wonder.”
By: Kate Powell
“I stepped off the boat – shoes were off, and I was ready to manifest my glamorous future life – whatever that was.”
"As part of the teatrical process, participants in this school will learn acting, dance, vocalization, narrative construction, the creation and use of traditional instruments, research skills into ancestral heritage as well as the creation of masks, props, scenery and other supporting art."
“In ‘normal’ life, the mundane is our medicine - we call a friend or cook a heavy meal and don’t leave home, journal it out or lose ourselves in a novel or a sitcom.”
“Without even knowing about the ancient science of ayurveda, you are tapping into it simply by acknowledging and becoming aware of your body, mind and spirit. Through a deeper understanding of the elements and what you are needing right now to balance your mood, your mind and your body can help you choose the best practice for you.”
By: Anna Bek
“Travel isn’t just about bucket lists, tourist sites, or Instagram bragging. It is about finding more expansion in yourself, opening up your perspective to new ways of thinking, and gaining new levels of empathy.”
By: Michelle Kucera-Jewell
“Morning shows that even National Geographic photographers couldn’t capture the radiance.”
By: Anna Bek
“When we become present with the sounds moving through us, we can also become aware of the sounds going on inside of us.”
By: Anna Bek
“Our minds, bodies and souls can start to feel scattered, numb and disharmonious when we don’t take the time to recharge and refill our wells of love, service and action. I mean...I know I am not alone in trying to do it all?”
By: Kali Basman
“Interoception is the sense of the internal state of the system, allowing us to interpret sensation and how to navigate the emergence and occurrence of circumstances both internally and externally.”
By: Kali Basman
“ In understanding how to move through trauma we must understand the different layers of the brain and how traumatic experience influences each layer.”
By: Anna Bek
“The Svadisthana Chakra holds the key to unlocking and harnessing the energy you need to be innovative and to make change.”
By: Kali Basman
“ Each time we return to a heightened awareness of the Self, we become more willing to face the unknown.”
By: Anna Bek
“The heart is the gateway to the soul, to the subtle body, and to the spiritual body from the lower three chakras that pertain more to survival, belonging, and ego. It is the center of the thing that no matter what, ties us all together: love.”
By: Anna Bek
“There is no greater time than right now to put those systems into place, those wheels into motion, and give yourself the time to expand yourself both personally and professionally by stepping out into the world.”
By: Kali Basman
“Each person weaves his own web of fate. We are the architects of our own future.”
By: Kali Basman
“In the midst of craving or aversion, ask yourself this: does getting your way really matter?”
By: Kali Basman
"Inside yourself is a wellspring of truth and beauty. Your inheritance is inner radiance. The buddha is within us, your awake nature is already alive and thriving.”
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By: Jessi Luna
“First and foremost keep this in mind: the role of the mother is to keep the baby alive, the role of the partner (and community) is to keep the mother alive.”