Life's Little Obstacles: How to Have The Best Day Ever.
By: John Early
“Challenges are what make life interesting and overcoming them is what makes life meaningful. ~ Joshua J. Marine”
What is holding you back from turning today into the best day of your life?
Too average?
All routine?
Shitty news came your way
or too much stress
with life today?
Well, which of your best days already lived,
your favorite days,
did not start with one or all of the above?
Actually, to qualify for the best days category
you normally have to overcome some sort of obstacle.
You finished a marathon?
That shit ain’t easy.
You jumped out of an airplane?
Fear is a freak-out.
Landed that dream job?
That’s a stressful application.
You finally won the big game?
Failure has followed previous attempts.
The epic event you planned totally backfired…but worked?
Perfection isn’t good for anyone.
Life’s little obstacles carry accomplishment waiting to happen.
That is their purpose.
Their true hidden potential.
You can’t reach peak satisfying moments of achievement
without a challenge to overcome.
So embrace those obstacles.
Conquer them.
Breathe because they’ll pass.
When they do,
you might find yourself having the best day of your life.
About John:
John is an award-winning travel author with a wild new book, Tales Of The Modern Nomad – Monks, Mushrooms & Other Misadventures. It delves into the crazy details of his decade of backpacking over 30 countries via stories, sketches, quotes and over 220 photos. It covers all the travel insight you won’t get in a guide book. To learn more, or order your copy of the ebook, visit and follow his journey on Instagram @johntearly.