Wild Feminine Series: Finding the Fluid Being
By: Guilia
Artist Credit: Maureen Roche
We are clearly in a moment of big re-arrangement. Systems, of all suits –economic, political, social, ecological, and so on– are moving at a pace of discomfort, likely to show us what does and does not work. For those who feel it and actively engage with it, it’s like how water may feel being pulled downstream. It just goes.
Women, like water, are moved. Up and down with the tides, in instant rushes like a waterfall, or like the monotonous waves of a great ocean. What counts is the motion. Yet, in how many immeasurable ways have we been conditioned to move against the current or not move at all? And for how long can we sustain the ignorance?
Wild Feminine is a collective of wise women who work together to remember, re-kindle, and re-wild the fluid being. This means getting our bodies back into motion to shed all the unnecessary and dis-serving baggage of our times, and to create space for what is sensible and regenerative for our own selves, and for the planet.
I recently experienced the honor to be a part of the first Wild Feminine retreat on the stunning Lake Atitlan, Guatemala. Gloria and Grace, the founders and facilitators of this women’s work, welcomed us for a six day transformational journey into sacred sound, dynamic meditation, dance, ritual theatre, sharing circles, poetry, shadow work… making art and magic together.
Our journey was supported by the giant lake, that just like us, changed in rhythm every day. Surrounding volcanoes gently exhaled and assured us of the force of our own internal fire. The venue, Isla Verde, is a petite eco-chic resort that hugs the Mayan hillside and works closely with the local community. We shared nourishing meals that were prepared by a group of talented Mayan women who clearly knew their power in the kitchen! And may it stay that way. We rose with the Sun, grew with the waxing Moon, and returned to our nests with well-earned tiredness.
The retreat was mindfully designed as any good things should be– with sensibility, diversity, respect to cycles, and open to change. The week began with the theme of Observation of our own patterns and introduction to main archetypes of Women, leading us into Chaos and facing of our shadows by mid-week, and closing with Acceptance, Integration and a dance with joy and compassion.
It truly is the wholistic approach of Wild Feminine that resonates with me and the way that I wish to travel the healing path. The intent of this work is to witness ALL facets, masks and patterns that are present NOW, through all of us, in this united whole. What ones echo in the Heart? What ones are not ours, but have been subconsciously invasive to our territories? What ones can and will serve to our vision of Regeneration?
To know this, we must be willing to dive in, and walk or dance or sometimes fight through. We are at a turning point in our global transition where the emotional intelligence of all women can reveal many of the ways needed to form a more harmonious, whole, deliciously complex system. Wild Feminine experiences open our channels so that we may be flooded with spirit and the clarity to go forth with strong feet and buoyant minds. The beauty of the way is that you don’t need to come knowing what it is you want to heal… come open and come willing, and the motion of your fluid body will show you the way downstream.
About Guilia:
Guilia is a writer, gardener, and earth alchemist. She is co-founder of Sattva Land, a Wholistic Lifestyle Centre her and her family are creating in Belize, Central America.
Follow her story: @spiralterra
Wild Feminine's upcoming retreat: Rhythms of the Jungle Retreat in Belize from June 23- 29. Use the code: KulaStar to receive a discount!
Connect with them here!
IG: @wildfemininerising