“Yoga was starting to come alive off the mat for me as it entered into my struggles and challenges and made me stronger physically, mentally and emotionally.”
Read More“By combining these practices I’ve enhanced my skills as a healer with greater awareness on the power of the energetic body and the stories our bodies hold physically. If we continue to do the work internally to unify with mind, body and spirit — Yoga — we will be able to maintain balance and health in the physical body — the ultimate goal of Thai Massage.”
Read More“In Bali, riding freely on the back of a scooter, wind in my hair, breeze on my face and the beauty of the open road, I found myself present, connected, and one within me and everything around me. No thoughts, nothing; emptiness, or complete fullness if you will. That is until, I remembered I was supposed to be the one directing the driver, staying alert and letting him know when to turn right. So, we missed the turn. I looked down at my phone and it took me out of this precious present moment.”
Read More“Each pose is like a mandala, a sacred shape, our being reaching out in all directions from our center in a slow, intentional dance.”
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