“When I do yoga, I want more...I crave more, like a drug. But, healthy addictions are still addictions and ultimately take me away from balance.”
Read MoreBy: Randi Schiffman
"Remember, there is always a mental or emotional root cause that lies beneath the physical symptoms."
Read More“The Five Rituals for transitioning spaces came to me based on a deep desire to honor the spaces I have spent time in without feeling like I’m rushing until the very last second of my departure so that I am not anticipating the predictable chaos that comes along with leaving a space I once called home. It means slowing down, setting intention and tapping into a feeling of grace, ease and fluidity.”
Read More“When something “bad” happens to you like the end of a relationship or the end of a job, notice what perspective the mind takes you to initially. It takes awareness and work to cultivate a different way of looking at things.”
Read More“By combining these practices I’ve enhanced my skills as a healer with greater awareness on the power of the energetic body and the stories our bodies hold physically. If we continue to do the work internally to unify with mind, body and spirit — Yoga — we will be able to maintain balance and health in the physical body — the ultimate goal of Thai Massage.”
Read More“In Bali, riding freely on the back of a scooter, wind in my hair, breeze on my face and the beauty of the open road, I found myself present, connected, and one within me and everything around me. No thoughts, nothing; emptiness, or complete fullness if you will. That is until, I remembered I was supposed to be the one directing the driver, staying alert and letting him know when to turn right. So, we missed the turn. I looked down at my phone and it took me out of this precious present moment.”
Read More“A big head spinner this season for me is commonly hearing the phrase “I am not the body” or “I am focusing my upper chakras”. Now, as a yoga practitioner and teacher, I understand the philosophy behind this phrase, but in my experience and here at the lake in San Marcos, they are not realizing also that….We are the body. “
Read More“I came to Yoga thinking what most people in the West think: a convenient and trendy way to get a great workout and increased flexibility. I had no idea the practice would change me from the inside out.”
Read More“For many of us, ‘doing yoga’ means getting on our mats, stretching out, strengthening our core, and relaxing in savasana. But where did this idea come from? What journeys does it present for us within? And what does it really mean to be steady and comfortable in your seat?”
Read More“Here, we begin to introduce the concept of moving meditation, which is still meditation, since everything is moving all the time, we should work with the movement, not against it.”
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